Property Management Guru – Ep 3 – Exceeding Expectations
Michael here! Your property management guru! Just wanted to talk today a little bit about expectations. Our need to set expectations and not only set them but exceed them. Boy one person that really talks a lot about this is my man, Uncle G, Grant Cardone. You know I wasn’t expecting anything, hadn’t ordered anything on amazon, hadn’t been shopping online, all of a sudden I get this package and it’s holiday time. I get not only a card from Grant Cardone, 10x your holidays. Be great. Nothing else pays. So true. You know what it absolutely would have made me think of him, and that he thought enough just to send this card, but he didn’t even stop there! He so far exceeded my expectations and everyone else’s expectations, I got a little luggage tag! I got a 10x business card holder for my business cards, and I love this one, this one is by far my favorite. It’s branded, CG, and I got a 10x money clip! I am absolutely going to use this. I am going to share this and share this and share this as an experience that I had in what it means to exceed peoples expectations. Boy I was blown away! I instantly started thinking of things I could do in my business to exceed tenants expectations, and our clients, and our vendors, everybody’s expectations as it relates to property management. We need to do this same thing, no matter what business that we’re in, no matter what we’re doing, whether we are managing a property ourselves, we need to exceed our client’s expectations. Hey Grant, Thank You so much for thinking of your clients enough to exceed our expectations. Everybody Go out, Make it a great day!